根据澳门太阳与新加坡南洋理工大学数学系签署的协议, 南洋理工大学数学系每年将从澳门太阳本科生中招收若干名直博生。2014年招生考试将于2013年9月18 – 21 日期间在澳门太阳进行, 招收对象为澳门太阳未报名参加保研的2014本科应届毕业生,具体科目如下:
1) English Test (EPT,南洋理工大学组织的英语考试,需写一篇英文作文);
2) Math Test (TPT syllabus,见下);
3) Interview.
TPT syllabus.
Students can choose either I+II or II+III, that means either
Calculus and Real Analysis + Linear Algebra,
Linear Algebra + Algorithms
I. Calculus and Real Analysis
I-i) Limits, continuity and differentiability.
I-ii) Intermediate Value Theorem, Rolle’s Theorem, Mean Value Theorem.
I-iii) Integrability and integrals, substitution rule, integration by parts.
I-iv) Infinite sequences and series, power series, radius of convergence, absolute convergence, tests for convergence, Taylor's formula.
I-v) Elementary differential equations.
II. Linear Algebra
II-i) Vector spaces, subspaces, linear independence, basis, dimension, row and column spaces, rank.
II-ii) Kernels and images. Matrices, inverses, determinants, eigenvectors and eigenvalues, diagonalization.
II-iii) Systems of linear equations, Gaussian elimination, Gram-Schmidt process.
II-iv) Quadratic forms, bilinear forms.
III. Algorithmics
III-i) Mathematical foundations of algorithm analysis: proofs by mathematical induction, solving recurrences, analyzing complexity of algorithms.
III-ii) Algorithm design techniques: divide and conquer, greedy, dynamic programming.
III-iii) Fundamental graph algorithms: Depth-first search, Bread-first search, spanning trees, shortest paths.
III-iv) Fundamental data structures: binary search trees, heaps.
III-v) NP-Completeness and reductions.