时 间:2023年7月25日16:00
地 点:海韵园数理大楼686会议室
In this paper, we study the Newton polygon of the $L$-function of a generalized Kloosterman polynomial with two variables over finite fields. We give the explicit form of the monomial basis of the top dimensional cohomology space of the p-adic complex associated to the L-function. One consequence of this result is a concrete method for computing the Hodge polygon. Using decomposition theorems of Wan, we determine when the generalized Kloosterman polynomial is ordinary and when its Newton polytope is generically ordinary.
王春林,博士毕业于四川大学数学学院,南开大学组合数学中心博士后,现任教于四川师范大学澳门太阳集团com。主要研究方向为组合数论及p-adic分析,研究成果发表于Forum Mathematicum, Monatsh. Math., J. Number Theory, Int. J. Number Theory等国际数学期刊。