2003.09-2007.07 复旦大学 数学系 理学学士
2007.08-2013.12 Pennsylvania State University 理学博士
2013.07-2016.06 University of Pennsylvania 博士后
2016.06-2017.06 香港中文大学 博士后
2017.08-2019.05 Texas A&M University 访问助理教授
2019.06-至今 澳门太阳集团com 教授
2019年秋季,微积分II-1 (工程类、经济类);微积分IV(文科)
国家自然科学基金委青年项目, 主持,2021.01-2023.12
A geometric realisation of tempered representations restricted to maximal compact subgroups, joint with Peter Hochs and Yanli Song. Mathematische Annalen, 378, 97–152 (2020).
Todd class via homotopy perturbation theory Advances in Mathematics, Vol. 352 (2019), 297-325.
A geometric formula for multiplicities of K-types of tempered representations, joint with Peter Hochs and Yanli Song. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 372 (2019), 8553-8586.
Mackey analogy via D-modules in the example of SL(2,R), joint with Qijun Tan and Yijun Yao. International Journal of Mathematics Vol. 28, No. 7 (2017), 1750055.
Dolbeault dga and L-infinity algebroid of the formal neighborhood. Advances in Mathematics, Vol. 305 (2017), 1131–1162.
Dolbeault dga of a formal neighborhood Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 368 (2016), 7809-7843.
The Dolbeault dga of the formal neighborhood of a diagonal Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 9 (2015), no. 1, 161 - 184.